I had to stop doing this in order to make money online

confidence Feb 25, 2019

Building an online business is no joke. But, if you're reading this you probably already know this :)

However, when Peter and I first started back in 2011, we read The Four Hour Work Week and thought it was as simple as creating a product, launch it, and watch the people who need it buy it.

That didn't happen.

It took us 5 years before we found our groove and started making the money and impact we craved.

I think because we struggled so much I started to doubt myself.

"Yeah, I can rock a plant-based diet, but maybe people don't want to learn from me?"

"Maybe I'm not smart enough to do this?"

And then, I started doing something that I see a lot of other plant-based coaches do...

I compared myself to others, making up stories about why other coaches were doing better than I was.

This is the one thing I had to STOP in order to grow.

For you this might look like...

"I'm too young to run a successful business, she's successful because she's older"

"I'm too old to work online, I'm not tech-y like the younger generation"

"It's harder for me because I have kids, if I didn't have little ones I'd for sure be hitting 5k months"

Yours might look like something different but you have to STOP doing that right now.

Making excuses and comparing yourself to other coaches will not change a damn thing.

I take that back, it will just make it even harder for you to grow. People need you, so you have to put your excuses and limiting beliefs behind you.

Once I stopped comparing myself to other coaches...

(IE "It's so easy for them because they're part of an MLM", or "It's easy for them because they have more friends")

I was finally able to work on the things that were really keeping me from growing.

Things like:

My Offers - They sucked LOL

My Audience - I was talking to everyone

My Growth Strategy - I didn't have one

My message for you today: Stop making excuses for why you're not where you want to be, and start working on things that actually matter and will move the needle in your business.

If you don't know what those things are, or you think you do but you're not making the income you want (Probably not the impact) I want to invite you to join our Launch, Coach + Grow Online Course.

Click here to learn more about it...



Learn what tools we used to make $10K/Month as online health coaches

Ladies you need these! Everything from software to standup desks, lighting to schedulers & more!