Can you help others get healthy if you haven't reached your goal?

We all have unique stories and experiences, that when shared, can help others - and I believe one of my gifts in life is assisting others in becoming confident enough to share their gifts with the world.

So can you help others get healthy if you haven't reached your goal?

Short answer: yes. I truly believe you can help others now. Even before you've reached all of your own goals.

A lot of times we use not being "ready" as an excuse to not start, to avoid being vulnerable, and as a way to stay in our comfort zone.

I know when I first wanted to help other entrepreneurs with their businesses, I felt like I couldn't help because I wasn't making enough money in my business, at the time we were making $10,000 per month.  Others were asking me for help and I was already helping and really enjoying it - but I felt like I couldn't really tell people about it, as  "I wasn't ready yet".

I was using it as an excuse to avoid starting. Turns out a lot of health and wellness ladies needed my help, just like we needed help when we were struggling to support ourselves with our online business. 

When it comes to helping people go plant-based and lose weight, as soon as I mastered it myself, I started helping others. But, not before.

So what does that mean for you...

You have to be 100% honest with yourself and ask "am I waiting for perfect because I'm scared to get started?"


"Do I need to get my shit together and start taking better care of myself?"

Only you can answer those questions. But, if you're waiting for everything to be perfect, including yourself, you'll never get started. There is no such thing as perfect or ready when it comes to online business, you become those things in the process. 

When it comes to running a business where you're helping others, you need to be able to help others through a transformation.

If you're helping them go plant-based then you should be plant-based yourself and confident that you can guide others through the process.

That being said, if you're still working on going plant-based, you might have something else you can help others with while you continue to work on yourself.

If you're not sure what you can help with, take some time to think about things you've worked through.

Things you help others with already... Maybe it's mindset, maybe it's getting off coffee, maybe it's starting a side hustle, maybe it's cooking plant-based meals.

You can also start by sharing your journey to a plant-based lifestyle and inspire others to join you.

Here are a few excuses/limiting beliefs I've heard from inside my Mastermind these past few weeks and how I've helped them move through them...

* I'm not professional enough - Anytime this comes up, I challenge you to ask yourself if you can help. If someone came to you with their problem could you help them? If so, help them. Not everyone wants to go to a doctor or an ND. Some would rather have someone who has been where they are and can make the process very simple. Truth is you probably won't be qualified to help everyone, and that's ok! You're not here for everyone.

* I'm too old; it's too late - Well what the heck are you going to do with the rest of your time here on the planet? I'm planning on living to 120, so if you're 60, you've still got another 60 years. Being healthier than you've ever been, now is the perfect time to start something rewarding and fun.

* There is nothing interesting about me - Says you hehe. We all think we have nothing interesting to share and no stories to tell (I said this same exact thing when I was trying to show up online). That is false. You just need help pulling them out. We're going to help you do this in The Coach + Grow Co. Mastermind.

* I want to talk about the mindset, not weight loss, but worry no one will pay me for that. - They will. Do what you're drawn to, not what you think will make you money. If you go for what you think will make you money you'll be unhappy and you won't stick with it. Entrepreneurship is difficult and you might as well pick the thing you're really passionate about. Find a problem you can solve when it comes to mindset, help people get what they want, and you will be very successful.

* I'm not at my goal weight, can I really help people? Possibly. Maybe not with weight loss, however. It really depends, do you think you can help people lose weight? The most important thing is that you feel confident in the transformation you're promising. As women, we tend to be very hard on ourselves. You don't need to be a certain weight or look a certain way to be a coach, you simply need to be able to help your client achieve the transformation they are looking for.

If there are no coaches or biz owners who look or act like you, it's not because you have to look or act a certain way to be a coach, it's because we're waiting for you.

Don't let fear of lack of confidence stop you from starting or growing a successful business if that's what you really want. I promise you have gifts, stories, and a powerful message to share. 

If you liked this post, leave a comment below or send me a DM. I'd love to hear from you.

Cheering for you,




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